This page is designed to be a general overview of the NDEES and will assist you in questions regarding the site and its usage. Please feel free to email us if you cannot find the information you are searching for in the following FAQ's.

The NDEES is designed to be the one-stop recruitment source for educational recruitment in North Dakota. The site is designed to provide comprehensive recruitment services to students, teachers and fellow professionals across not only North Dakota, but the world.

The goal of the North Dakota Educational Employment System is to provide the easiest possible way for both districts and job seekers to use site. Districts should be able to easily identify which REA is their primary posting zone which will assist with data collection and provide easier searching options for potential jobs seekers. Please note: Even though a candidate may be searching in a particular zone for a job, the system will display in such a manner that they also will see open positions matching their interest in all REA zones statewide. This is a key feature of the system in getting district jobs maximum exposure.

The NDEES is home for recruitment of all professional education positions. Vacancies will be accepted for:
* All Educationally Certified Staff in North Dakota, accredited public and non-public schools, including long-term substitute positions.
* Certified staff in community colleges, area education agencies, higher education, and the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction.

Posting a job on the NDEES is simple, fast and easy!
(a) On the Guest Post a Job page (schooljobsnd.com), complete the Post a Job form.
(b) Hit the submit button.
Please visit the Effective Job Posting Guide, if you need help developing a post for a job vacancy that will be easy to understand and informative to job seekers.

After you submit a position, you will be taken to the Thank You page. Just click the Back to the Post a Job page button.

Vacancy information will be updated (and deleted as needed/requested) within 5 days of your submission.

You will see a Delete/Modify link on the Post a Job page. Simply indicate the changes you wish made and hit submit.

(a) If you need to delete your job posting, go to the Delete/Modify link on the Post a Job page. Complete the Delete a Vacancy Form.
(b) All jobs will be deleted after 60 days, unless contact is made to the site administrator via email indicating the desire for an extension.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to e-mail Technical Assistance.